1. When you were little you had no worries, you became a survivor in a world cruelty, hate and without tolerance.
  2. Your smile begins to bloom and make it your battle weapon for day to day.
  3. Every day you make your own movie, where you decide which scene you want to live.
  4. The unconditional love for everything gets bigger, and there is nothing in this world that can put it out.
  5. You learn to live with the selfishness of others regardless of whether this can harm you and unbalance life.
  6. Dreaming makes challenge yourself to get where you want to be, the road may be hard and uncertain but that doesn’t matter to you, because you know that those steps are necessary to get them.
  7. Sometimes who you love does not correspond 100% as you want… but still you keep trying and falling in love with new strangers.
  8. The future is uncertain; do not try to change it. Build a healthy present and you will see its evolution on a daily basis.
  9. Every day you become wiser.
  10. Do not change for others, those who really must be, will be … and those who not, are not necessary.
  11. Spend time and moments with quality people, because with these you will have unforgettable moments that you will remember for a lifetime.
  12. Fuck just for fuck, it covers a basic need of the body … but it leaves your soul empty.
  13. The material comes and goes, but your emotional health DOESN´T. So try to be calm and balanced with yourself … don’t let anyone have that control over you.
  14. Travel as much as you can … because there are still millions of things you need to know and explore that will make you a better person.
  15. You are perfect with all your imperfections. Be happy and enjoy the tour.


  1. Ana Evelyn 4 September, 2019 at 14:33

    Cariño que placer me da saber de ti, está muy chulo tu blog y he quedado enamorada, los lugares son magníficos y tú estás hermoso, Dios te bendiga mucho y felices 30 alguito atrasado hahaha, espero verte pronto por tu amada Rep. Dom. Besos y éxitos con tu proyecto. 😘

    1. LuisFragoso 4 September, 2019 at 15:02

      Mi amor! Muchas gracias por sacar de tu tiempo para leer este espacio que he creado para compartir cosas positivas en mi vida ya hace 2 años (aunque tengo que confesarte que no le doy la importancia que merita pero me podre a darlo todo). Siempre son recibidas las bendiciones, no importa que sean retrasadas porque lo que importa es la intención 😘. Yo también espero en poder ir pronto… tengo muchas ganas de ir a RD 😍. Besotes para ti también ❤.

  2. Suleika De la Cruz 4 September, 2019 at 18:23

    Símplemente Hermoso😍, gracias por entregar el alma en cada cosas que haces, por tu dedicación y entrega, por ser el guerrero de las miles de batallas que la vida nos pone. Sabes que te quiero mucho y estoy súper orgullosa de tener un hemano como tú, siempre soñador incansable que le ve el lado bonito y positivo a la vida. Miles de bendiciones para ti y que el cielo sea tu límite. Besos Suly 😘😊

    1. LuisFragoso 5 September, 2019 at 16:42

      Muchas gracias manita bella por tomar tu tiempo en leerme, esa esa es mi razón de vivir y ser. Love you 😘. Nos vemos muy prontito 😊.

  3. Crismelys Díaz 7 September, 2019 at 22:56

    Me encantó, gracias por compartirnos esto. El 13,14 y 15 mis favoritas.


    1. LuisFragoso 9 September, 2019 at 09:26

      Muchas gracias guapa 😘😘 Un abrazote! 😊😊


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